Late there has been quite a lot of talk about functional programming in C#. Efforts by Don Box, have been note and used on this blog several times and now that and now Sriram Krishnan has produced this nice piece on currying in C# 2.0.
One area that seams to have been over looked so far is folding. A folding function is similar to a mapping function and mapping functions are supported by the framework library in version 2.0, expect it calls it ConvertAll. For example, the framework defines the following method on the List<T> class:
public List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TOutput>(Converter<T, TOutput> converter);
It’s not hard to see this can be used to map one list to another, like so:
List<string> stringList =
delegate(int intput) { return intput.ToString(); }
Folding is similar, except that where a mapping function applies a transformation to a list a folding function produces a summary. F# defines a folding function on this list type like so:
let rec fold f acc l =
match l with
[] -> acc
| (h::t) -> fold_left f (f acc h) t
This is a function that has 3 parameters; the fist one of these is function that takes two parameters, the second is the accumulator and the third is the list to be folded. This translates to C# something like:
public delegate TReturn AStarBToB<TInput, TReturn>
(TInput value1,
TReturn value2);
public static TAcc Fold<TList, TAcc>(
AStarBToB<TList, TAcc> funct,
TAcc acc,
IEnumerable <TList> list)
foreach (TList item in list)
acc = funct(item, acc);
return acc;
This provides a very easy to create summaries of lists:
// intList = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
int result1
= Fold(
delegate(int value1, int value2) { return value1 + value2; },
// result1 = 21
string result2 =
delegate(int value1, string value2) { return value2 + ", " + value1; },
// result2 = “, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6”
And that’s it! It takes just one line of code to produce a summering of a list and the technique can be applied to any object that supports the IEnumberable<T> interface, which is quite a few.