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If you want use the source control get to know the new command line tool 'h'. It seems what you can do though the IDE is a bit limited, for example there doesn't seem to be away to map source control folder to a folder on the disk without using 'h'.


The full details of the commands are available here:



And if you did want to map a folder the syntax would be:

h workfold /map /workspace:MyWorkspaceName $/MySSPath C:\MyPath


There are a couple of slightly annoying things:

 - There’s no way copy and past the path so you have type it out in manually

 - Once you’ve mapped the path you can’t just “check out” and start editing, you have to get latest version first. (All right, this is only a small thing but its very annoying if you have to spend time wondering why “check out” is still greyed out)


More "Top Tips" to follow once I have the msbuild syntax figured out ...