[Update 05-09_2007: minor change to both source and binary release to fix F# interactive intergration, if you download a version before this date please redownload]

Recently I’ve been working on integrating F# into #Develop. It’s a nice, well designed and developed platform, and despite one or two glitches integration has gone pretty quick. My aim is to get the F# made part of the #Develop distribution, but, rightly so, there are a couple of legal and quality hurdles that need to be reached before it can be integrated into their main release. I’m sure these hurdles will be over come soon, but I decide to do an alpha release from my own site to solicit feedback and in case there’s anyone out there eager to see this sort of thing.




Installation of Binaries:

Create a new folder FSharpBindings in  \AddIns\AddIns\BackendBindings

Copy FSharpBinding.addin, fsharpbinding.dll, fsharpbinding.pdb and Templates folder to this new directory

Copy ICSharpCode.Build.Tasks.dll, ICSharpCode.Build.Tasks.pdb and SharpDevelop.Build.Fsc.targets to \Bin the versions of ICSharpCode.Build.Tasks.dll and ICSharpCode.Build.Tasks.pdb that exist in this directory should be over written

Build instructions:

fsharpbinding.dll: This can be build with either visual studio, #Develop or msbuild using FSharpBinding.VisualStudio.sln or FSharpBinding.SharpDevelop.sln

ICSharpCode.Build.Tasks.dll: This requires the #Develop source. Add fsc.cs to this ICSharpCode.Build.Tasks project and add a reference to System.Configuration

I have tested this installation using F# version and SharpDev 2.2.1. 2648, if you intend to us another version F#, or it is not installed in the default location, you will need set an AppSettings key “alt_fs_bin_path” to give the location of the compilers bin directory. If you want to use another version of #Develop you will probably need to rebuild the binaries.


Code Colouring

Project System

Reorder of Source Files

F# Interactive integration

TODO List (roughly in order of priority):

Clever search for the F# compiler and other binaries

Support .fsi interface files

Support Automatic Error Checking

Support Auto-Completion

Create Icons to avoid icon theft!


Feedback was imported from my only blog engine, it's no longer possible to post feedback here.

re: #Develop integration of F# - Alpha Release - Josef

Sorry for the stupid question, but how do I set an "AppSettings key"?

re: #Develop integration of F# - Alpha Release - Robert Pickering

The appSettings are set in the SharpDevelop.exe.config. You need to add a section as shown below under the configuration node:
<add key="alt_fs_bin_path" value="c:...."/>

re: #Develop integration of F# - Alpha Release - Robert Pickering

Thanks for noticing, should be fixed now.

re: #Develop integration of F# - Alpha Release - Jeff Williams

the SharpDevelop.Build.Fsc.targets is missing from the binary.zip but is in the source.zip if anyone is having trouble finding it.

re: #Develop integration of F# - Alpha Release - Hamlet D'Arcy

This post is about 9 months old now... do you have any updates at all? (sorry, can't seem to search your site).