I’m very happy to announce the “Functional Programming eXchange” which will take place in London at Skills Mater head quarters on the 7th December. I’ve been involved in organizing a program which will cover F#, Erlang, Scala and Haskell. The program has been designed to interested both people actively involved in functional programming in industry and working programmers with an interest in functional programming would like to learn more about how they can use these two techniques in their day job. The program will include, me, as well as:

Duncan Coutts of Well-Typed
Ganesh Sittampalam of Credit Suisse
Anton Schwaighofer of MSR
Sadek Drobi of ValTech

... with more exciting speakers to be announced soon!

Book before 30th October and you’ll be able to register for just £25, places are limited to just 125 delegates to sign up quickly for what should be an interesting, informative and fun day out of the office.


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This post was mentioned on Twitter by robertpi: Conference on Functional Programming in December in London: http://bit.ly/1BgsjN book now to ensure a place!

Visualizing Concurrency, F# and More « Tales from a Trading Desk - http://mdavey.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/visualizing-concurrency-and-more/

Visualizing Concurrency, F# and More « Tales from a Trading Desk