This morning there was an unexpected knock at the door and a courier arrived with a large package. I was quite surprised as hadn’t ordered anything. It turned out that it was my box of author copies of “Beginning F#”. So I’m happy to announce that “Beginning F#” is finally here and if you’ve pre-ordered it will be with you shortly.


“Beginning F#” is the updated version of “Foundation of F#”, it shares very much the same structure but I has been completely updated for the VS 2010 release of F#. I’ve also added an extra chapter on parallel programming as with the addition of “Asynchronous Workflows” to F# and “Parallel Fx” to the .NET framework itself I believe F# has a lot more to offer in this area that it did when “Foundation of F#” was release. I’ve also split the chapter on Language Oriented Programming into too chapters, one on Language Oriented Programming itself and the other on parsing text. This reflects my belief that combinator libraries are the most important part of Language Oriented Programming. Other than 3 chapter, the one that introduces functional programming, has been heavily rewritten and is now much more organized. I also believe the organization of the book as whole has been improved as has the quality of the code in the examples. All the examples can be downloaded from codeplex, so there’s no need to type them out!


Here’s a picture of me clutching it proudly:

Robert Pickering and Beginning F# book

I’ve also decided to experiment with selling direct so if you’d like a copy you can buy it on ebay here. Just 10 copies available, for now, but maybe more will follow. Can’t promise the same delivery speed as amazon but I will write a dedication if you want.


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re: Beginning F# is here! - Tuomas Hietanen

Maybe "Foundation of F#, 2nd edition" would have been a better name?

re: Beginning F# is here! - robert

I think “Beginning F#” is a better title for the work but agree that it is undesirable to have a name change between editions. To give you the full story: “Beginning F#” was the working title for the original “Foundations of F#”. The publisher changed the title change to “Foundations of F#” about half way through the project. I believe mainly because of the please semi-alliteration between “foundations” and “F#”. I was against the title change as “foundations” often means theoretical foundation in works on functional programming and it’s definitely not a book on theory. The publisher insisted and I gave in as I thought there little change anyone would buy it thinking it was a book on the theory of functional programming. For the 2nd edition the publisher wanted the title “Beginning F#”, I think it’s a better title for the work so let them have their way even though I have my reservations. I don’t want anybody to buy it think they are getting a new book, rather than just an update to “Foundations of F#” which why I’ve tried to be very clear about what you are getting in this post.

re: Beginning F# is here! - Jango

Why are you selling it on French ebay dude?????

re: Beginning F# is here! - Robert Pickering

Because I live in France. But it's a good point, I had assumed you'd be able to find it in all the ebays but this doesn't seem to be the case. I'll try and fix it tonight.

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