(Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet recently; this is the first of several posts I’ll be making this morning)

I decided a little while ago that I’d like to change direction in my career and go back to consulting, after interviewing around a bit I decided to join ALTi. It was my first day on Monday, and so far I’m enjoying my first week, although obviously I’m just getting settled in. The thing I like most about the company so far is that they seem quite open to suggestions and seem will to let you develop your career in the direction you want. I’ll be predominately working on .NET projects in there .NET practice, so I’m interested in finding any projects with an F# slant out there (although F# won’t be my exclusive focus). I’m also hoping to develop the training and speaking side of my career. So if you have some F# work or are interested in having an F# presentation or tutorial, do not hesitate to drop me a line: Printf.sprintf "%s@%s.%s" "robert" "strangelights" "com"