Back in February this year I spoke at TechDays Paris 2009, I’ve always enjoyed TechDays Paris so a big thanks to Eric Mittelette and his team for inviting me to speak. Also, many thanks Julien Laugel who help me review the presentation slides and also shared some his experiences using F# with the audience. A screen cast of this presentation is now available. The slides for this presentation are available on the site and the code from the slides is available here, except from the collective intelligence part which is available in its github project.

(aside: I’ve not been actively working on CI project for a while now, but will pick it up sooner or later. I’ve also been talking to Matthew Podywsocki, Joel Pobar, and a few others, who have similar interests in F# and CI, if you’re interested in contributing please contact me)

I was also lucky enough to be invited by Scott Bellware to give a tutorial at the “Progressive .NET Tutorials” at London, in partnership with The podcast of this tutorial is now available on line, but its 3 hours long so not really for one sitting! The code form the tutorials in available here.

I currently have no concrete future speaking engagements, but have a few things in the offing. Feel free to contact me if you’d like me to present or run a tutorial for you.