A few days ago Chris Wille, the man behind #Develop contacted me to say that #Develop had been accepted on the Google summer of code scheme. Essentially Google summer of code means that Google will pay CS students to spend their summer writing code for open source projects. Chris told me one area they are interested in extending is the F# integration into #Develop; particularly they’d like to get the auto-completion working. So if you’re a CS student on the lookout for a summer job, you could end up being paid by Google to work on F#! Contact me if you are interested.


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re: #Develop, F# and Google Summer of Code - Kostia

It's very interesting proposition. I can try. Can I send to you my cv ? or what you want ?

F# Discoveries This Week 03/26/2010 - Rick Minerich's Development Wonderland

A ton of new posts this week, far too many to enumerate.  My “Favorite New F# Blogger of the Week”

re: #Develop, F# and Google Summer of Code - Robert Pickering

Yes, send a CV or description of yourself and I'll foward it to the #Developer people, who will be the ones making the decision. I should warn you that we have already had a number of strong candidates.